Thursday, January 13, 2011

U4.LP2: Powers and Organization of Congress

Objective: Students will analyze the structure and powers of the Legislative Branch in order to describe them in a video news report.

Homework: Unit 3 Review packets are due on Thursday for all B-day classes and on Friday for all A-Day classes. Congratulations to those of you who were able to finish them ahead of time!!!

Notes and Classwork: Access your notes and classwork by clicking here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

U4.LP1: Redistricting and Reapportionment

Objective: Students will evaluate the population demographics of multiple states in order to explain the process of reapportionment and redistricting.

Homework: The Unit 1 and 2 Review packets were due yesterday for all A day classes. The Unit 3 Review packets are due on Thursday for ALL B DAY classes, and on Friday for ALL A DAY classes.

Presentation: The presentation will be available shortly. There was a conversion problem with the file on the website that we use.

Notes and Classwork: Access your notes and classwork by clicking here.