Saturday, September 18, 2010

U1.LP6: Types of Economies

compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer their production questions in order to evaluate economic scenarios.

Homework: It has been included in the packet, which is available for download below, or by clicking here.



Guided Notes and Homework Packet: You can access the classwork scenarios by clicking here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

U1.LP5: Economic Goals of the United States

Objective: Students will analyze opportunity cost and socio-economic goals of the United States in order to practice multiple-choice test taking strategies.

Homework: Complete the reflection assignment. To download it/view it, click here.

Presentation: Economics: Opportunity Cost and Scarcity

Classwork and Notes

Sunday, September 12, 2010

U1.LP4: Authoritarian Governments

Objective: Students will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages associated with authoritarian and democratic types of government in order to write a BCR.

Homework: Trade the BCRs that we wrote in class with your neighbor. Take their BCR home and grade it using the Social Studies rubric. Suggest 3 changes to them.

Class Presentation:
