Thursday, November 18, 2010

U3.LP2: Political Parties

Objective: SW examine the role of political parties and how they influence elections, public officials, and public opinion in order to describe U.S. political parties.

Homework: Create a "menu" (brochure) for the Democrat or Republican Party that demonstrates their beliefs, lists leaders and state supporters, as well as history.

A-Day Due Date: Friday, November 19th
B-Day Due Date: Monday, November 22nd

Notes and Classwork: Click here to access the notes from class.

The classwork will be posted as soon as it becomes available for viewing online!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

U3.LP1: Civic Participation

Objective: SW describe the ways citizens influence the political process in democratic governments in order to participate in the initiative making process and influence legislative representatives.

Homework: Access the homework by clicking here.

A-Day Due Date: Wednesday, November 17th
B-Day Due Date: Thursday, November 18th

Presentation: You can view the presentation for U3.LP1 by clicking here.

Notes and Classwork: Access the Notes here and the Classwork here.

Extra Information: Keep up the brilliant work and TURN IN YOUR HW!!! Too many grades are dropping because of missed work.